Our School
Located in southwestern Phoenix, Tuscano Elementary School is a fun and safe place where children in preschool through fifth grade come together to learn, grow, and play. We believe every student has gifts to offer this world, and we love to help them tap into their limitless capacity for learning.
We are so happy that you are interested in registering your child at Tuscano Elementary School. We serve students enrolled in the Head Start preschool program and K–5. We offer a full-day kindergarten experience for children who turn five years old before September 1.
To register, you’ll want to verify whether you reside within our school boundaries, and then complete the registration packet. Visit the District Registration page to download your packet and for a list of the required documentation. We welcome you to stop by our office to complete the registration process weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Our Mission
The Tuscano Elementary School community, through a cooperative partnership with families, pledges to create a safe, nurturing environment with high academic and behavioral expectations where all children can succeed. Our mission is to foster children who are happy, healthy, and responsible lifelong learners.
Our Beliefs
The Tuscano Elementary School community believes:
- All students are capable of success—no exceptions
- In providing a safe, nurturing environment
- In parent involvement with a variety of authentic opportunities in and out of the classrooms
- In high academic and consistent behavioral expectations where all children can succeed in a literacy-rich and learning-centered environment
- In fostering a sense of community
- In maximizing engaged time in a hands-on, minds-on, relevant environment
- In direct, explicit, and systematic instruction
- In following a team concept that utilizes each others’ expertise
- In cooperative learning
- In a risk-free environment that promotes a positive experience for all learners
- In building self-esteem for all
- In a warm, welcoming environment
- In addressing multiple intelligences and teaching to students’ strengths
- In a child-centered focus
Our Safety
The safety of our students is our first priority. We provide playground supervision starting at 7:35 a.m. and do not permit students on campus before 7:30 a.m.
Attendance & Tardiness
If your child will be absent or late to school, please notify us by calling the school attendance line at 623-707-2300 no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of the occurrence. Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. must stop by the office to receive a late pass.
Student Uniforms
We adhere to a strict dress code policy as outlined by FESD. Students should wear a plain (no designs or logos), collared shirt in white, navy, or light blue with navy bottoms and closed-toe shoes. We allow denim bottoms only on dress-down days. We do not require preschool students to come to school in uniform.
Preschool & Head Start
We are pleased to offer both preschool and Head Start programs that provide rich learning experiences to promote social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
Our comprehensive, full-day preschool program serves children who turn four years old prior to September 1, and the Head Start preschool program specifically serves children requiring special services and low-income families with children aged three to five years old. Learn more about these opportunities on our Programs page.
Kids at Hope
We are a Kids at Hope School, committed to the belief that all children are capable of success—no exceptions! At our school, all adults are treasure hunters, and every child is a time traveler. Treasure hunters search for the skills, talents, and intelligence in all children and youth. Time travel is the ability to envision one’s future in home and family, education and career, community and service, and hobbies and recreation and then create a plan to develop the skills needed to successfully reach life’s destination points. You can read more about Kids at Hope on our Programs page.